A Dream Becomes Reality!

We are overjoyed to announce that the vision the Lord gave more than five years ago is finally becoming a reality!
Exciting News Coming Soon!

Living God Church is a newly launched church in the heart of Richmond, KY!

We are proud to announce that exciting news is just around the corner! We are working hard to finalize details, and will soon be able to announce service schedules and location.

Opening day for Living God Church will be Palm Sunday - April 13, 2025!

Welcome to Living God Church!

We're glad you stopped by! Living God Church is committed to living out the great and first commandment - to love Jesus well - and hopes to help others do the same! Our purpose is to educate, equip, and edify the local Body of Christ into a deeper discipleship.

Your Generosity Changes Lives!

Thank you for your faithful and generous giving. Your generosity makes a profound impact on the Kingdom in Richmond and around the world!

Connect With Us!
Connect with us via our mobile app! When you click the link, it will forward you to the App Store to download the Tithe.ly Church App. When you open it for the first time, it will automatically open to the Living God Church app!