In November 2019, the Lord placed a calling in the hearts of Brandon and Lauren Thomas to begin a work in Richmond, KY. At the time, they were living in Winchester, KY, faithfully attending and serving at Church of the Living God (COLG). After much prayer, fasting, counsel, and discussions with church leadership, they knew this was God’s direction for their lives.
The following summer, in June 2020—amid the global COVID-19 pandemic—Brandon and Lauren packed up and moved to Richmond. They didn’t know when they would begin the work God had called them to, but they trusted His timing.
While waiting, they remained faithful, continuing to serve at COLG in preaching, teaching, pastoral ministry, and assisting with various church groups. Brandon also served on the Board of Directors. They stayed busy, knowing God was preparing them. Then, in 2024, He spoke again.
Through prayer, fasting, counsel, and further discussions with leadership, it became clear that the time had come to begin the work. In the fall of 2024, alongside COLG leadership, they began planning how to properly align and structure the soon-coming church. And in April 2025, Living God Church was born.